Monday, May 25, 2015
It's been too long.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Monday, February 27, 2012
Who would win?
The artists of Robot Entertainment previously had a blog on the Robot Entertainment site, ‘Art Bot Central’. But we wanted a space that specifically revolved art, and that's how was born.
Our first theme for the Ten Ton Blog was a great source of inspiration for me personally. I am shamelessly addicted to the Game of Thrones series. I must have watched every episode at least 10 times. Every character in that show is so rich of personality and well thought out by the author.
I was pretty inspired to take this into a 'Street Fighter-Like' direction and actually depict the characters in a bit more of a stylized way and have them facing off against one another.
The hardest part was picking only 2 characters : )
Monday, December 19, 2011
That's just heavy!
The artists at Robot Entertainment put a blog together to replace our Art Bot Central site so that we can continue to add art to the blog that doesn't interfere with the gamin news going on at the studio. Check it out here.
When Bart started working on the prequel comic for Orcs Must Die! we knew that we wanted a gallery section to go into the back of the book. That seemed like a perfect opportunity to follow through on one visual in particular that I had about Orcs Must Die since the inception of the game. I pictured a huge Ogre splintering the doors to the fortress that the warmage was protecting.
I hope you guys enjoy.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Chillin' out

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Way behind on the updates

Friday, March 18, 2011
It's a Trap!
I’ve seemed to neglect this for a while now. Not for lack of things going on though. It’s been just over 2 years at my current company, Robot Entertainment, and things are really going great.
We’ve been working on Orcs Must Die! It blends some combat elements of a 3rd person action game with the strategy of the defense genre. And we have had an absolute blast creating the look and tone for the game. All the artists in the studio have been really jazzed about it for some time now, and more and more people are seeing it now since it’s announcement last month.
Here is an image the artists put together:

We just got back from the Penny Arcade Expo, and our game had a great show. Check out some of the comments below:
"It looks awesome, it plays awesome, really really well balanced. Game of the Show: Orcs Must Die!"
- Evil Avatar (Podcast)
"Warp, Fez, Bastion, and Orcs Must Die! more or less represent a future where good games are not locked into specific portions of the year like seasonal 'crops.'"
- Penny Arcade
“Orcs Must Die! looks incredibly polished. The animations and gameplay are extremely smooth. Orcs Must Die! might be the title that most impressed me at PAX East."
- GamePro
Thursday, December 31, 2009
I did my new portfolio site through it, so check out the link on the right side of the blog, under 'My Places'. I've also updated/re-designed (since I took down my last one) my MySpace page. (Thanks for your help Marco!)
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Put a fork in me

I'me really looking forward to the next theme we're doing on Art Bot Central over at
I'm definitly going to do that in 3d, probably a bust in zBrush. I cant's wait! Until then,
Happy New Year everyone!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Almost 2 months, and it's not even finished!

I started to run into problems when I was making his attire work. The original Turtles in the comic and the Cartoon are both from pretty minimal designs, in trying to sell more of the realistic take, I wanted to add a bit more clothing and equipment. I went through quite a few iterations on designs, and only ended up with this one since I had to back into the deadline to post before I left for the holidays.

So happy holidays to all, see you next year!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Anastasia DeCobray

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out after just spending a couple hours here and there over the course of 2 weeks. After the other guys started posting their stuff on the blog, I knew I had to do something new and step up to the plate. Check out their submissions here:
The artists kicked ass on this one and we had half of the entire art team participate in this after hours project. Very cool!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Destro… see me after class!
We had a G.I. Joe theme for the latest post for our blog at Robot Entertainment, Art Bot Central (ABC). I had every intention to take the easy way out, and just post my earlier rendition of the Baroness, because I was a bit burned out by all the work it took to get Greta done. After I started to see all the participation and the sacrifices the other Robot artists were making to get stuff up on the site, I knew I had to stop being lazy, and get to work.
It’s also been too long since I’ve posted. Here is the sketch I blocked out to create the painting.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
This one's for you Cots!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
So Close.

So I'm thinking the next post will be the last one for Greta. I HOPE! I look to have some materials on the model, and I will try to pose her. But the mesh has gotten pretty dense, so I hope it's not too much of a problem.
See ya next time.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Detour Ahead!
1. I was on a great, much needed, vacation with the entire family (13 of us fit into a beach house! It was a very quiet, relaxing vacation. Well not really, but it was a lot of fun, and the kids loved it.)
2. I had another project that I was working on that I had to complete for a Robot Blog theme. You can check it out here.
We wanted to start doing themes as an art department to help focus some efforts into getting some more content on our art blog, Art-Bot Central. So the first theme was 'Clash of the Titans'. I wanted to continue working in Max, so I chose to do a 3d bust of a stylized Perseus.
Here is the final version here:

Until my next post,
when I will most likely have more excuses,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Too many irons in the fire.

Until next time.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Pushing Polys.
After looking at what I had and the concept again… I decided to push the proportions of the model some more. My original take didn’t carry over a lot of the style that was portrayed in the concept that I liked so much.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Damn you Greta! Damn you!!!
Now usually, I would find that name completely unattractive and boring, but this concept made it so fascinating and elegant. Check it out...

But something did. (I won't get into that, it's not important to this story, so back to Greta.)
With each month (or year) that went by, the feelings just got stronger and stronger. I remembered it as THE best thing that I ever did, but it wasn't quite finished yet and only would need a couple more solid hours to finish up. I would constantly have it in the back of my head telling myself to get back to it, and finish it up... but I only wanted to do it when I would be able to finish it, and the timing was never quite right.
Well, now seemed like as good a time as any, and I just reopened this file after it being on the proverbial shelf for too long, way too long.
Oh Greta... how deceptive you are.

So, as you can see, I really have my work cut out for me on this one, but I really do love the concept and owe it to Andy (and Greta) to get it done. So more coming on this over the next couple of days/weeks.
Stay Tuned
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Mr. Ro-Blog-O

I started the blog off by introducing myself to open it up for the other artists at the studio. Additionally in that post, there is a group picture with all 14 of the artists, and I showed off a couple pictures of my work space at home. Art-Bot Central will be a blog hosted on the Robot Entertainment site and will be a hub for all of the artists at Robot. We will have random posts of various art and ramblings by individuals as well as doing group themes or projects. So stop by, and stay tuned.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Feeling a bit Nostalgic
It may have been the buzz generated from Star Trek and all of its awesomeness, and maybe a bit of seeing that another Transformers trailer, which will probably end up being entertaining. But it could have had to do with that G.I. Joe trailer that will most definitely be horrible (the animations looked so bad, and there is a Wayne's brother in it, WTF?), but I grew up on G.I. Joe's. And the Baroness at least looked good! Sienna Miller is fitting into the character very nicely :). Personally, I think they went a bit too real world with the design, and I wish they would have taken some more inspiration from the comic. I followed a bit of inspiration, and did a drawing of what I thought would look good.