Saturday, October 24, 2009

Anastasia DeCobray

Finished up the Baroness picture for the Art Bot Central post.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out after just spending a couple hours here and there over the course of 2 weeks. After the other guys started posting their stuff on the blog, I knew I had to do something new and step up to the plate. Check out their submissions here:

The artists kicked ass on this one and we had half of the entire art team participate in this after hours project. Very cool!
Next up is Saturday Morning Cartoons for December. I'm currently thinking of TMNT (Which wasn't a Saturday morning cartoon, but it's close enough :) I'll try and post progress pics as I go and get back to my bi-weekly updating. Until next time, take care.


1 comment:

cMoF said...

She looks smokin' hot, Kube. Nice work!